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Download My Older Writer's Guide sheet. You'll quickly discover how you can easily go after your dream -- no matter how old you are.

Ronald Murphy

It's true. You can become a writer no matter how old you are.

You and I probably have a lot in common. Especially if you always wanted to be a writer like I did. I just never seemed able to make it happen.  Not until I got older, much older!

I didn’t get started until my mid 70’s.  Now, I’ve got three newsletters going out regularly plus two books published and a third in the final stages.

When you look at my Guide sheet, you’ll discover the secret.  It’s just a matter of having the right tools:

  1. Tools for Researching
  2. Tools for Organizing
  3. Tools for Writing

Tools for Fun

The guides include templates and tools, story models, and more.  These are mostly the technical side of writing. What led me t o being able to write as I chose too, was realizing I was far ahead of youner people.  I had experiences and loss and wins, etc.

About Older Adults - For Older Adults

My work is for older adults. I write and produce videos, publish newsletters, and write books and record audio versions.

I’m an Older Adult myself.  As I’ve grown older I’ve been forced to deal with some of the more common issues older adults face.  Heart attack, arthritis, the loss of a wife to cancer.  

Like Kermit the Frog sings, “it’s not easy being green.”  — or old, either…

And yet, there are fine things that come with being older. A rich history, grandchildren, slower paces with quiet times just enjoying peaceful settings.

So I examine and reflect on things like this in my podcast: Living Well Past 55

On my video podcast, Older Meditation, you can see my exploration of meditation for older adults. I try out different techniques and approaches.  I report on hits and misses pariticularly as they relate to older adults.

And finally (for now), I publish an enewsletter from Money Makers for Retirees.

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